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  I enjoy reasoned thoughtful debates supported by facts and sprinkled with numerous anecdotes for added flavor.  My love of creation and creative endeavors is founded in the pillars of realism.  I am driven by truths that can be proven to my minds' satisfaction. I enjoy solving puzzles.  If what is acknowledged to be factual does not align with my observations and conclusions, I reexamine the acknowledged facts for potential flaws.  If those facts remain faultless and my observations are reliable, I adjust my views and rethink my position and conclusions.  Flexibility is one of the keys to my survival and ability to create.

a picture of the artist, Jacqueline Rose Kriner overlooking the pacific ocean

​I Graduated from High School and attended The University of San Diego in California for nearly four years.  I majored in Animal Physiology, Psychology, and Writing. I withdrew after marrying my husband and before completing my degree. 




Work experience

I started working at age ten as a paper girl. I folded and threw papers seven days a week for several years. I was also responsible for collecting the payments.

I started babysitting at eleven years old.

I worked as a math tutor when I was fourteen.

I worked briefly as a clerk in a drug store at sixteen years old.

I worked several months as an administrative assistant in the department of student housing at the University of Los Angeles during a break between High School Graduation and the beginning of my first quarter at the University of San Diego California.

I worked in a pet store as a technician in charge of the care and maintenance of the livestock while attending the University.

I worked as a bookkeeper for an independent contractor while attending the University.

I worked as a teaching assistant at the Scripts Institute in La Jolla California while attending the University.

I worked as a clerk in a print shop after Marrying.

I worked as the administrative support and bookkeeper for the businesses my husband and I both started and purchased.


critical thinking 







problem solving


2010 - present
2010 - present
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